Home > Events > Instrumental: Presentation of the Program’s Results

9 April 2024, 18:00 CET

Instrumental: Presentation of the Program’s Results

On 9 April, at 18:00 CET, Kyiv Contemporary Music Days will present the results of the Instrumental program. At the online event, we will summarize the grant program’s outcomes, give the floor to the evaluation board, announce the names of the winners, and share news about new opportunities for Ukrainian artists from KCMD.

The event will be streamed online, but you can also join the Zoom conference to have an opportunity to talk to the KCMD team and program winners in person. To receive a link to the Zoom meeting, please fill in the short registration form https://forms.gle/6cdcEgpRenYRy2To8

The Instrumental grant program was launched by Kyiv Contemporary Music Days in 2023. The program helps classical musicians from Ukraine to purchase musical instruments through the provision of individual financial support in the amount of up to 5,200 euros. By sustaining the musicians’ professional activity, Instrumental aims for an infrastructural impact on the ecosystem of classical music in Ukraine.


Kateryna Alymova, Dmytro Babenko, Mykhailo Chedryk, Polina Horodyska, Vasyl Lutsyk, Tetiana Melnychenko, Albert Saprykin, Mariia Tytova, Daria Vdovina, Les Vynogradov